Application development has changed drastically in the past decade. Client-side applications used to be just that: client-side. Desktop applications used to be self-contained. They sat in sharp contrast to web applications, which inherently required some hybrid of server- and client-side programming. But the world has changed. Whether it's for automated cloud backup, more advanced server-side computation, telemetry, or collaboration, desktop applications are increasingly dependent on a server-side component to help them out.

As mentioned, web applications already blurred this line significantly. Many of the features of web development are now sought in desktop apps, such as rolling updates. As mobile apps have begun to dominate the landscape, they have jumped into this hybrid world from the beginning.

Unfortunately, while client- and server-side development are both programming, there are large differences in the details. For someone familiar with desktop, mobile, or even frontend web development, it's easy to get tripped on the server, both at the software and infrastructure level.

This post is going to provide an overview of what is involved in a cloud software deployment pipeline that provides:

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Cloud versus desktop

When you write a desktop application, you have several goals in mind. You may be trying to provide an intuitive user interface that works across different screen sizes and handles both mouse-based and touch-based interaction. You may need to support different versions of an operating system or entirely different operating systems. You may want to reduce the downloaded executable size and simplify the installation process.

Server-side, cloud software deployments typically face radically different constraints. Let's see some examples.

Side note I'm talking about desktop versus cloud here, but many of the same concepts carry over to mobile and frontend web development as well. The desktop provides for the starkest comparison, which is why I've focused on it. Similarly, though we're talking about the cloud, on-prem deployments fit most of the same models. But again, the cloud really emphasizes the differences.

Code size

Typically, application size is close to irrelevant. Sure, it makes a difference if your application is 10MB vs. 100GB. But ephemeral cloud storage is cheap, and bandwidth within a cloud is plentiful. Servers don't typically care too much about that difference.

On the other hand, minimizing startup time is crucial (we'll see why in a bit). An installer that spends 30 seconds unzipping a compressed payload would be better served by skipping compression and using more bandwidth, for instance.


You don't need to support multiple versions of operating systems. You have full control of where your application is deployed. (And as we'll see later, containers make this even more flexible.) What Ubuntu 18.04? Windows Server 2016 with a specific set of libraries pre-installed? No problem!

But unlike a desktop application, you're not going to have a human being performing installation. A failed or unreliable installation step won't result in a few frustrating emails. It will result in downtime for potentially every user of your service.


On the desktop, you have no control over hardware reliability. A user's machine can crash. It can have a complete hard drive failure. Users may accidentally delete data. The user may have a power outage. All of these represent frustrations for a user but are outside of your responsibilities.

Not so on the server. You are fully responsible for setting up and running your server infrastructure. The cloud has excellent fault tolerance properties and boasts the ability to scale up and down based on demand easily. But that doesn't come for free. You need to set up your servers to follow automated deployment techniques, leverage autoscaling features, set up reasonable metrics to guide them, and span multiple Availability Zones to protect you from cloud failures.

What is the cloud?

People throw around the term "cloud" often. But what exactly distinguishes the cloud? Rentable hardware, such as dedicated hosts and Virtual Private Servers (VPSs), have been around for a long time. In some ways, you can look at the cloud as an extension of those existing technologies. But in many ways, the cloud represents a deeper shift. This shift focuses on two innovations in the cloud development space:

The concepts of cloud computing have become ubiquitous in server development and management these days. Existing data center providers have begun offering more cloud-like functionality. Virtual clouds for internal data centers are becoming commonplace and a standard. In other words, these techniques are valuable, they work, and they apply in many places.

A solid cloud software deployment

There are many moving parts to perfecting a cloud deployment. The techniques vary depending on variables like the development language, geographic distribution goals, regulations (like data privacy), and trade-offs between uptime guarantees and hardware costs.

That said, at FP Complete, we've found that there are a few common themes that underly almost all our cloud deployments. Let's see what those are.

Automated provisioning

Setting up a machine should be a fully automated process. Operators used to spend significant time manually installing base operating systems, installing packages, running updates, configuring firewalls, and more. But in a world of machines that are created and destroyed at will, this isn't an option.

Our recommendation is to focus on the techniques of immutable infrastructure. It would be best if you had scripts that automate the installation of all dependencies. These scripts may take significant time to run. If you run these installation steps while creating new machines, it may delay how long before you have a working machine. Instead, it's best to run these steps as part of a Continuous Integration (CI system. And the result should be captured as a Docker container image or, in some cases, a virtual machine image.

By pushing provisioning to an earlier step, you can test this process more easily, spin up new machines more quickly, and risk fewer surprises in productionrisk fewer surprises in production. Which brings us to...


Most server traffic ends up following a bursty workload pattern. It's unusual to have the same level of traffic throughout the day. Instead, traffic may spike to ten times its norm during a few hours in the middle of the workday. Weekends may show almost no traffic.

In a pre-cloud world, the standard approach to this is to provision enough machine capacity at all times to handle the peak traffic you'll ever see. This approach avoids downtime and latency but increases hardware costs. It also demands knowing in advance what your peak workload will be, which may not be possible.

In the cloud, it is common to use services like Auto-scaling Groups (ASGs) to creating an elastic number of machines. This service will typically look something like:

This kind of setup provides autoscaling, high availability, auto-healing, and machine failure resilience. Then we put a load balancer in front of the group of nodes, and clients automatically connect to a healthy machine.

Containers and orchestration

Creating machine images and deploying brand new machines can be time-intensive and difficult to test on a local machine. And for many workloads (like microservices architectures), having a separate machine for each service is overkill. Instead, we'd like to use techniques that more easily pack multiple services onto a single machine and allow for local development and running without a full virtual machine.

Containers and container orchestration have emerged as a standard approach, with Docker and Kubernetes as the de facto standard solutions. Tools like this not only reduce hardware costs with more efficient service packing but provide for great features like green/blue deployments out of the box.

We're big believers in this approach to server management at FP Complete. Our flagship product, Kube360, focuses on accelerating your adoption of this technology in your organization.

Continuous Deployment

Automation underlies most of what makes cloud deployments bulletproof. Continuous Integration focuses on building and testing your software in an automated fashion with binaries artifacts that can be deployed. Continuous Deployment, by contrast, focuses on automating the deployment of these artifacts onto servers.

Most cloud deployments involve multiple cloud services, such as blob storage, DNS, virtual machines, load balancers, and relational databases. We recommend following declarative infrastructure techniques, where you specify the desired state of the system in a config format and allow a tool to provision your cloud resources. We'll often use Terraform for this at the infrastructure level. In addition, Kubernetes manifest files are another form of declarative infrastructure.

Getting it wrong

There are lots of moving pieces to get right. Many of us cut our teeth deploying server software the old way. This typically involves manually configuring a machine, building an executable on your local machine, FTPing the binary over to the server, and running it in a terminal session. While simpler in many ways, following this kind of approach opens you up to many failure modes:

I come from a developer, not an operator, background. I used to deploy all my software this way. I've come around to the idea that spending time on a proper cloud deployment strategy is a worthwhile investment.


While many ideas carry over from client-side to server-side development, there is still a lot of headroom to master. Cloud-based deployment is a science unto itself, with a new set of tools and requirements, and a regularly shifting landscape of best practices.

Our focus at FP Complete is leveraging our experience to help companies integrate best practices in their deployments, employ best-in-class DevOps practices, and leverage best-in-class tools and programming languages for developing reliable, scalable, and secure server-side software.

Need help with a server problem? We'd love to chat. You can also check out our DevOps offerings.

Want to learn more about how to do DevOps? We recommend the following articles:

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