Functional Dependencies

A quick tutorial on understanding functional dependencies, multi param type classes, and the basics of the mtl library

Functional dependencies (aka fundeps) are a language extension. It builds on top of multi param type classes, and provides the basis for many common libraries. In particular, fundeps are core to mtl, the monad transformer library. And finally, fundeps overlap these days a bit with type families. We'll touch on that at the end.

Prereqs: you should have an understanding of type classes (the boring, single-parameter kind) and monads to understand this tutorial.


Our motivating use case will be the Reader monad. We're going to deal with a simplified version of Reader that provides just one action: ask. And this Reader will always allow us to only hold onto values of one type: Person. Let's see it in practice. We'll include all the boring boilerplate for defining our own PersonReader:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver ghc-8.8.3 script
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

data Person = Person
  { name :: String
  , age :: Int
  deriving Show

newtype PersonReader a = PersonReader { runPersonReader :: Person -> a }
  deriving Functor
instance Applicative PersonReader where
  pure x = PersonReader $ \_env -> x
  PersonReader f <*> PersonReader x = PersonReader $ \env -> f env (x env)
instance Monad PersonReader where
  return = pure
  PersonReader x >>= f = PersonReader $ \env -> runPersonReader (f (x env)) env

ask :: PersonReader Person
ask = PersonReader $ \env -> env

greeting :: PersonReader String
greeting = do
  person <- ask
  pure $ concat
    [ "Greetings, "
    , show $ name person
    , ", you are "
    , show $ age person
    , " years old"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let alice = Person "Alice" 30
  putStrLn $ runPersonReader greeting alice

The type of ask is fully monomorphic: there are no type variables at all. When you use ask, you will get a PersonReader action which, when run, gives you a Person.

Generalizing the environment

But having our PersonReader so constrained in what it can hold is limiting. We may want to hold other types! So as good Haskellers we obviously want to use a type variable here. And behold: our PersonReader can easily turn into a Reader with very little extra work:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver ghc-8.8.3 script
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

data Person = Person
  { name :: String
  , age :: Int

newtype Reader env a = Reader { runReader :: env -> a }
  deriving Functor
instance Applicative (Reader env) where
  pure x = Reader $ \_env -> x
  Reader f <*> Reader x = Reader $ \env -> f env (x env)
instance Monad (Reader env) where
  return = pure
  Reader x >>= f = Reader $ \env -> runReader (f (x env)) env

ask :: Reader env env
ask = Reader $ \env -> env

greeting :: Reader Person String
greeting = do
  person <- ask
  pure $ concat
    [ "Greetings, "
    , show $ name person
    , ", you are "
    , show $ age person
    , " years old"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let alice = Person "Alice" 30
  putStrLn $ runReader greeting alice


Unifying ask

Now we have two different type signatures for ask:

ask :: PersonReader Person
ask :: Reader Person Person

We would like to be able to represent both of these with a single typeclass method, so we can write functions that work on both Reader and PersonReader. Let's take a few obviously wrong attempts. First, let's try:

class MonadReader m where
  ask :: m Person

This forces the result type to a Person. This works fine for PersonReader:

instance MonadReader PersonReader where
  ask = PersonReader $ \env -> env

However, we're left with something that doesn't work too well for Reader. If we try to keep a type variable for the Reader like this:

instance MonadReader (Reader env) where
  ask = Reader $ \env -> env

We get an error message:

/Users/michael/Desktop/Main.hs:16:9: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘env’ with ‘Person’
      ‘env’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the instance declaration
        at /Users/michael/Desktop/Main.hs:15:10-33
      Expected type: Reader env Person
        Actual type: Reader env env

And if we try to use instance MonadReader (Reader Person), we have two problems:

Instead, let's try a more generic version of MonadReader. Up until now, the m parameter has had kind Type -> Type, meaning the monad takes a single type variable. This is true for PersonReader. But Reader takes two type variables: env and a. That's why we had to provide the extra env type variable in the instance definition. Instead, let's try this class:

class MonadReader m where
  ask :: m env env

Now m has two parameters, and we're able to define an instance for Reader easily:

instance MonadReader Reader where
  ask = Reader $ \env -> env

However, we're completely unable to define an instance for PersonReader. If we try with something like this:

instance MonadReader PersonReader where
  ask = PersonReader $ \env -> env

We get the error message:

/Users/michael/Desktop/Main.hs:13:22: error:
    • Expected kind ‘* -> * -> *’, but ‘PersonReader’ has kind ‘* -> *’
    • In the first argument of ‘MonadReader’, namely ‘PersonReader’
      In the instance declaration for ‘MonadReader PersonReader’

Note that * -> * -> * is the same as saying Type -> Type -> Type.

So how do we come up with a type class that:


The MonadReader type classes we've tried so far all have a single parameter: m. In order to fix our problem above, we're going to use multiple parameters: both m (the monad) and env (the environment). Since all production Haskell code is 43% made up of language extensions, add this to the top of your module:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

And then we can define our typeclass as:

class MonadReader env m where
  ask :: m env

Defining the instance for PersonReader is a bit simpler. The env parameter is Person, the m is PersonReader, and therefore we have:

instance MonadReader Person PersonReader where
  ask = PersonReader $ \env -> env

The instance for Reader is slightly more complicated. We don't have a concrete env type variable. So instead, we keep it as a type variable! And our m still needs to have kind Type -> Type. So we need to partially apply Reader to env. We end up with:

instance MonadReader env (Reader env) where
  ask = Reader $ \env -> env

And voila, we have a real ask method!

Where's the fundeps?

So far, this example works just fine, and we didn't have to use any functional dependencies. You may be thinking: maybe we don't need fundeps at all! But let's get a little more complicated.

I want to modify the greeting function I wrote before. Instead of generating a nice, pretty message, I'm just going to reuse the Show instance:

greeting :: PersonReader String
greeting = do
  person <- ask
  pure $ show person

Ugly, but it seems reasonable. Unfortunately, GHC is not amused with us:

/Users/michael/Desktop/Main.hs:39:13: error:
    • Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘ask’
      prevents the constraint ‘(MonadReader
                                  a0 PersonReader)’ from being solved.
      Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘a0’ should be.
      These potential instance exist:
        instance MonadReader Person PersonReader
          -- Defined at /Users/michael/Desktop/Main.hs:16:10

Here's what's happening: we have two type parameters for the MonadReader type class. In our greeting function, we call ask in a context where type inference tells us that the value must be ask :: PersonReader a. However, nothing tells us what that a must be. Previously, we were using the name and age record accessors, which helped type inference along. But that doesn't apply with the show method.

Before we introduce fundeps, let's see how we can fix the problem here, and some cool extra features we get. First, we can do example what GHC tells us: "use a type annotation." This looks like:

greeting :: PersonReader String
greeting = do
  person <- ask
  pure $ show (person :: Person)

But at its core, this error message is hinting at something bigger: we're allowed to have more than one instance of MonadReader for PersonReader. So far, we've only provided one such instance. But we could provide more. For example:

instance MonadReader String PersonReader where
  ask = PersonReader $ \person -> name person
instance MonadReader Int PersonReader where
  ask = PersonReader $ \person -> age person

And then, using type annotations, we can tell GHC which instance we want to use, e.g.:

greeting :: PersonReader String
greeting = do
  person <- ask
  pure $ show (person :: Int) -- show the age

That's kind of nifty.... I guess.

Introducing fundeps

With our multi param type class, we end up with a lot of flexibility (many different instances), but lose type inference. Usually, we prefer to keep the type inference, not the flexibility. And that's exactly where fundeps come into play. Be sure to appease the Haskell deities with:

{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

What we want to say is that, for each type parameter m, there is only ever allowed to be a single instance of MonadReader. The way we say that with fundeps is "the type parameters m dictates exactly what the type parameter env will be." And the syntax we use for this is:

class MonadReader env m | m -> env where
  ask :: m env

With this in place, our earlier greeting works just fine:

greeting :: PersonReader String
greeting = do
  person <- ask
  pure $ show person

That's because type inference now holds. We know from the type signature of greeting that ask must have type ask :: PersonReader env. And we know from the fundep that the m dictates the env. And in this case, where m is PersonReader, env must be Person.

If we try to add in the extra MonadReader instances like we had before, we get an error message from GHC:

Functional dependencies conflict between instance declarations:
  instance MonadReader Person PersonReader
    -- Defined at /Users/michael/Desktop/Main.hs:17:10
  instance MonadReader String PersonReader
    -- Defined at /Users/michael/Desktop/Main.hs:38:10
  instance MonadReader Int PersonReader
    -- Defined at /Users/michael/Desktop/Main.hs:40:10

So we've lost the flexibility to have multiple instances per monad, but instead gained back type inference. And overall, this is considered a win.

Type families

Historically, fundeps were introduced before type families. Type families are another language extension which provide for slightly different use cases than fundeps. However, in many cases type families can be used to solve the same problems as fundeps, including here. Type families may be more familiar to you under the phrase "associated types."

Let's restate our problem: we want a MonadReader typeclass where there is only a single instance per m, and we know the env parameter that will be available from each m. Multi param type classes let us specify explicitly what the env was, and fundeps allowed us to constrain ourselves to a single instance. Type families arguably do all of this more directly. Appease the deities again:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

Then we change our typeclass to:

class MonadReader m where
  type Env m
  ask :: m (Env m)

We now have an associated type Env for our m type variable. We can use that associated type in our method definitions. Here we're saying "the method ask returns a value wrapped in the m monad, and that value must be the Env associated with m."

Another way to put this: Env is a function at the type level. You give me a type m, and I'll give you back the type which is its environment.

Defining the typeclass instances for PersonReader and Reader is fairly straightforward:

instance MonadReader PersonReader where
  type Env PersonReader = Person
  ask = PersonReader $ \env -> env
instance MonadReader (Reader env) where
  type Env (Reader env) = env
  ask = Reader $ \env -> env

So, should you use fundeps or type families? Your call. Like many other things in Haskell, there are more than one way to do it. And as you use libraries in the ecosystem, you'll find both used. There are some advantages to both. mtl uses fundeps, both for historical reasons, and arguably because it's slightly easier to work with. Many other use cases are better served with type families. The decision is yours!
