FP Complete

The transformers package provides useful control flow extensions for monad stacks.

Even without understanding how Monad transformers work, the following should demonstrate their practicality.

Let’s first describe the most simple and useful of the transformers provided.


Suppose we have the following functions:

getA :: Monad m => m (Maybe a)
getB :: Monad m => Int -> m (Maybe b)
getC :: Monad m => m c

And suppose we would like to define a function that tries getting A and B, and also gets C twice under this monad. If any of the getA or getB return Nothing, we would like to return Nothing.

Working plainly, without using transformers, we would do the following:

someCode :: Monad m => m (Maybe (a, b, c, c))
someCode = do
    c1 <- getC
    ma <- getA
    case ma of
        Nothing -> return Nothing
        Just a -> do
            mb <- getB 2
            case mb of
                Nothing -> return Nothing
                Just b -> do
                    c2 <- getC
                    return $ Just (a, b, c1, c2)

Using the MaybeT transformer we can compact it:

import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe

someCode :: Monad m => m (Maybe (a, b, c, c))
someCode = do
    c1 <- getC
    runMaybeT $ do
        a <- MaybeT getA
        b <- MaybeT $ getB 2
        c2 <- lift getC
        return (a, b, c1, c2)

The runMaybeT wrapping guarantees that if a monadic function returns Nothing, execution of that monad stops and the whole operation returns Nothing.

Notice that under MaybeT every monadic bind needs to be wrapped in a MaybeT, so for functions that return a Maybe, simply wrapping them with MaybeT works, and then we don’t need to add a case for their returned value later.

However, proxying functions not originally under MaybeT, which also don’t return a Maybe type requires the use of lift. Also, notice that we did not require a Just to wrap the value in the final return.

This is useful for instance, when dealing with the many library functions that return a Maybe under IO. For example:

findExecutable :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)

ourFindExes :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe (FilePath, FilePath, FilePath))
ourFindExes = do
    a <- MaybeT $ findExecutable "a-exe"
    b <- MaybeT $ findExecutable "b-exe"
    c <- MaybeT $ findExecutable "c-exe"
    return (a, b, c)


We can use guard to check for conditions. If the condition fails, Nothing is returned.

ourFindExes :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe (FilePath, FilePath, FilePath))
ourFindExes = do
    a <- MaybeT $ findExecutable "a-exe"
    guard $ a == "/some/path"
    b <- MaybeT $ findExecutable "b-exe"
    c <- MaybeT $ findExecutable "c-exe"
    return (a, b, c)

Pattern matching failures

Pattern matching failures under the MaybeT transformers translate to Nothing being returned (rather than exceptions). This is useful in its own, regardless of whether or not you are using MaybeT to wind down on these calls returningMaybe.

For example, observe the extension of the example above, with the addition of the pattern matching on the return of getD and getE.

getD :: Monad m => m (Maybe (Either Int Char))
getE :: Monad m => m (Either Int Char)

someCode :: Monad m => m (Maybe (a, b, c, c, Int, Char))
someCode = do
    c1 <- getC
    runMaybeT $ do
        a <- MaybeT getA
        b <- MaybeT getB
        Left ld <- MaybeT getD
        Right re <- lift getE
        c2 <- lift $ getC
        return (a, b, c1, c2, ld, re)


The ReaderT transformer, available from both the transformers and mtl packages, adds a read-only value which is accessible via ask and the helper function asks.

In practice, the ReaderT transformer is used often for passing down a static configuration environment, so that such environment need not be explicitly passed via function parameters.

Similarly to how runMaybeT receives a monadic function, runReaderT receives a monadic function, that is also followed by a value, which can be of any type.

We shall demonstrate an elborate monad stack in the following example:

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude        #-}

import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let maybeHeadReader = asks headMay
    let runReaderT' = flip runReaderT

    runReaderT' ['2'] $ do
        ask >>= print -- prints: "2"
        asks length >>= print -- prints 1

        runReaderT' [42 :: Int] $ do
            ask >>= print -- prints: [42]

            x <- runMaybeT $ do
                z <- MaybeT maybeHeadReader
                guard $ z == 42
                z2 <- MaybeT $ lift maybeHeadReader
                guard $ z2 == '2'
                return 'x'
            print x -- prints: Just 'x'

            runReaderT' (8.9 :: Double) $ do
                ask >>= print -- prints: 8.9
                (lift . lift) ask >>= print -- prints: "2"
                lift ask >>= print -- prints: [42]

            lift ask >>= print -- prints: "2"

            -- Run with a modified environment
            withReaderT (fmap Just) $ do
                ask >>= print -- prints: [Just 42]

Notes about the example above:


The EitherT transformer, available from transformers can be thought of as an extension of MaybeT, where instead of Nothing to break out the computation, we can provide a value of a decided type.

The following provides six examples to demonstrate the use of EitherT.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude        #-}

import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either

getE :: Monad m => m (Either a Int)
getE = return $ Right 42

main :: IO ()
main = do
    v0 <- runEitherT $ do
        print "Print this"
        left 2 -- Stopping here!
        print "Will not be printed"
        left 3 -- Type of value passed to all left's must agree,
               -- e.g. left [3] will have failed type checking in
               -- this simple case.
        print "Will also not be printed"
        right 'x' -- Note that: right == return
    print v0 -- prints: Left 2

    v1 <- runEitherT $ do
        -- Incorporate existing monadic functions returning Either,
        -- using EitherT. The 'z' here is the value from the Right,
        -- if Left did not get returned.
        z <- EitherT getE
        return $ z + 1
    print (v1 :: Either () Int) -- prints: Right 43

    v2 <- runEitherT $ do
        print "Print this"
        right [('x', 2)] -- execution does not interrupt, just
                         -- like 'return ...' in IO ().
                         -- the type is ignored too, and need not
                         -- match the type of the actual 'right'.
        print "Will also print this"
        right 'y'
    -- We need a type signature to give a final type for the Left:
    print (v2 :: Either () Char) -- prints: Right 'y'

    -- Use of 'guard' to exit, like in MaybeT
    v3 <- runEitherT $ do
        print "Print this"
        guard False -- Breaks out, returning the mzero of the left type,
                    -- which needs to implement Monoid.
        print "Will not be printed"
        right 'y'
    print (v3 :: Either () Char) -- prints: Left ()

    -- The `eitherT` utility, is like runEitherT, but transforms the
    -- either value to a single result type, using two monadic
    -- functions.
    v4 <-
        let leftSide a = return ("left " ++ show a)
            rightSide a = return ("right " ++ show a)
         in eitherT leftSide rightSide $ do
                x <- lift $ getArgs
                when (x == ["strange command line arg"]) $ do
                    -- If this was true, the print below
                    -- would have printed 'left "x"'
                    left 'x'
                right 4

    -- Demonstrate hoistEither:
    v5 <- runEitherT $ do
        print "Print this"
        -- hoistEither receives an Either and is equivalent
        -- to deciding on 'left' or 'right' based on the value:
        hoistEither $ Left ()
        print "Will not be printed"
        hoistEither $ Right ['x']

    print v5 -- prints: Left ()

Also provided as utilities to be used in this transformer, are the functions: bracketEitherT, bimapEitherT, mapEitherT, and swapEitherT.

Pattern matching failures

Note that unlike MaybeT, pattern matching failures in do under this monad, fail the upper monad.


Explaining the ContT transformer usually takes time, as it tends to carry you over into the realms of exception handling and coroutines implementations.

However, instead of undergoing that, we shall demonstrate a case where ContT is immediately being useful as an enhencement over EitherT, as the latter was demonstrated above.

Suppose we have a nested tree of four runEitherTs, where we break from the most inner EitherT into the second inner EitherT:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    v <- runEitherT $ do
        print "Print this"
        r <- runEitherT $ do
            print "Print this"
            runEitherT $ do
                print "Print this"
                runEitherT $ do
                    print "Print this"
                    lift . lift $ left "x"
                    print "Will not be printed"
            print "Will not be printed"
            right 'y'
        print "Print this too"
        hoistEither r
    print v -- prints: Left "x"

Note the rather annoying lift . lift. It would get much worse, suppose if we would have nested six runEitherT into each other, and find ourselves quarreling with a long trail of lift . lift . lift . lift ..., just to break out to the upper level.

From this it emerges that it may be nicer to label the scope from which we would like to break out. The example above can be rewritten using runContT:

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude        #-}

module ContT where

import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let runContM :: Monad m => ContT r m r -> m r
        runContM = (`runContT` return)

    v <- runEitherT $ do
        print "Print this"
        r <- do
            runContM $ callCC $ breakOut -> do
                print "Print this"
                callCC $ _ -> do
                    print "Print this"
                    callCC $ _ -> do
                        print "Print this"
                        breakOut $ Left "x"
                        print "Will not be printed"

                print "Will not be printed"
                return  $ Right 'y'
        print "Print this too"
        hoistEither r
    print v -- prints: Left "x"

We replaced the three internal runEitherTs with callCCs, which expect a monadic function receiving an argument, and we used a single transformer – runContT instead of the three. The short-hand runContM to runContT is used chiefly to remove some clutter, and to provide EitherT-like functionality from runContT. Indeed we could have also used a shorthand such as runNoCC x = callCC $ _ -> x to clean up further.

The immediate picture is that breakOut being the lambda parameter to the second scope, serves as a “call away” mechanism to break out of the context, similarly to left in EitherT and break; in many imperative languages, or goto with a label in C, for instance.

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