binary: Serializing data

binary is straightforward to use library for decoding (parsing) and encoding binary data. There are a number of ways to work with binary, ways that range from simple to complex.

Decoding and encoding standard data types.

Byte strings can be trivially decoded to Haskell values, provided that the types of those values are instances of Binary. Analogously, types that are instances of Binary can easily be encoded back to byte strings. binary comes with convenient Binary instances for a good number of the standard data types including numbers, booleans, lists, tuples, and so on.

Let us try these instances out in GHCi. You'll need to import Data.Binary to run the examples below.

> encode True

> decode (encode True) :: Bool

> encode 'A'

> decode (encode 'A') :: Char

> encode "AB"

> decode (encode "AB") :: String

> encode ("A", "B")

> decode (encode ("A", "B") ):: (String, String)

Automatic decoding and encoding

So how do you define Binary instances for types that do not already have them?

One simple way to do this is to use the DeriveGeneric extension and have the compiler generate the implementation for you.

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-12.21 script
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Binary
import Data.Text
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

data Transaction =
  Txn { account :: Text, amount :: Float }
  deriving (Generic, Show)

instance Binary Transaction

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let bytes = encode (Txn { account = "Cash", amount = 10 })
  putStrLn $ "Encode: " ++ show bytes
  putStrLn $ "Decode: " ++
    show (decode bytes :: Transaction)

Custom decoding and encoding

Binary instances may also be written by hand.

For decoding, you need to define get, of type Get t where Get is an instance of Monad.

For encoding, you need to provide a definition for put, which is a function that takes a value of the type you wish to encode and a value of type Put. By definition, Put = PutM () where PutM is also an instance of Monad.

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-12.21 script
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Binary
import Data.Text (Text)

data Transaction =  -- Same type as before, but without the Generic instance.
  Txn { account :: Text, amount :: Float } deriving Show

instance Binary Transaction where
  put (Txn acct amt) = do
    put acct
    put amt

  get = do
    acct <- get
    amt <- get
    return $ Txn acct amt

main :: IO () -- The main action is unchanged from before.
main = do
  let bytes = encode (Txn { account = "Cash", amount = 1000 })
  putStrLn $ "Encode: " ++ show bytes
  putStrLn $ "Decode: " ++
    show (decode bytes :: Transaction)


While quite straightforward to use, the binary library is vulnerable to two criticisms. Firstly, as its creator Duncan Coutts pointed out, binary entangles the issue of serializing Haskell values with that of read/writing externally defined formats. This can be confusing. Secondly, the error messages one may encounter when using binaryare perhaps not as helpful as one would like. The cereal library offers to address the latter (though not the former) problem.