Continuous integration and deployment, monitoring and logging, and security and privacy—FP Complete’s comprehensive, easy to understand guide designed to help you learn why those three DevOps strategies collectively create an environment where high-quality software can be developed quicker and more efficiently than ever before.

Aaron Contorer, founder and chairman of FP Complete, presented the following webinar. Read below for a transcript of the video.

Introducing Aaron

I’m the Founder and Chairman of FP Complete, where we help companies use state-of-the-art tools and techniques to produce secure, lightning-fast, feature-rich software, faster and more often.

Before founding FP Complete, I was an executive at Microsoft, where I served as program manager for distributed systems, and general manager of Visual C++, the leading software development tool at that time. Also, I architected MSN’s move to Internet-based server software, served as the full-time technology adviser to Bill Gates, and I founded and ran the company’s Productivity Tools Team for complex software engineering projects.

Okay, so enough about me. Let’s begin this presentation by stating the obvious:

Software development is complicated

As information technology and software people, it’s easy to recognize how things are changing at an astonishing speed. To keep pace, we need tools and processes that allow us to rapidly deploy better code more frequently with fewer errors. Is that a high bar to reach? Yes, of course, it is. But it absolutely must be met—that is if you want your company to survive.

Inefficiencies are everywhere

In most companies, I would argue that the information technology team and the software engineering team are not totally trusted by the rest of the company.

Of course, I don’t mean they’re not trusted as in they’re not good, smart people. What I mean is that they don’t meet their deadlines, leading to sprints becoming longer than initially expected, ultimately causing everyone to feel rushed and end results lacking in quality.

IT has lost management’s trust

When management begins to not trust engineering and IT, a bad dynamic develops. No longer does the team get to focus on building great things for their end-users. Instead, they’re forced to focus on solving their struggles and dealing with interpersonal friction.

Believe it or not, the problems we’re having aren’t people-problems. It’s not that they lack good intentions or brainpower.

Instead, the problem is this:

Modern software, ancient tech

Modern software development can’t be performed using ancient technologies applied within simplistic workflows.

I often like to say…

“The best craftsperson with a handsaw cannot do woodworking as efficiently as a robotic cutting tool.”

When we automate our work, it becomes faster and easier to replicate. We don’t build in lots of mistakes. As a result, we get to move on with our lives instead of going back and reworking things over and over again.

When we automate with good tools and better processes programmed in, and we repeat this same process every time, everyone can trust that our work will be performed with quality, and our systems will be more safe and secure.

Sounds ideal, doesn’t it? Of course, it does.

But how do you do it? How do you evolve from the environment you’re operating in today to the utopia DevOps strategies will allow you to live and work within well into the future?

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