This blog post was entirely inspired by reading the GATs on Nightly! Reddit post by /u/C5H5N5O. I just decided to take things a little bit too far, and thought a blog post on it would be fun. I want to be clear from the start: I'm introducing some advanced concepts in this post that rely on unstable features in Rust. I'm not advocating their usage at all. I'm just exploring what may and may not be possible with GATs.

Rust shares many similarities with Haskell at the type system level. Both have types, generic types, associated types, and traits/type classes (which are basically equivalent). However, Haskell has one important additional feature that is lacking in Rust: Higher Kinded Types (HKTs). This isn't an accidental limitation in Rust, or some gap that should be filled in. It's an intentional design decision, at least as far as I know. But as a result, some things until now can't really be implemented in Rust.

Take, for instance, a Functor in Haskell. For all of its scary sounding name, almost all developers today are familiar with the concept of a Functor. A Functor provides a general purpose interface for "map a function over this structure." Many different structures in Rust can provide such mapping functionality, including Option, Result, Iterator, and Future.

However, it hasn't been possible to write a general purpose Functor trait that can be implemented by multiple types. Instead, individual types can implement them as methods on that type. For example, we can write our own custom MyOption and MyResult enums and provide map methods:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum MyOption<A> {

impl<A> MyOption<A> {
    fn map<F: FnOnce(A) -> B, B>(self, f: F) -> MyOption<B> {
        match self {
            MyOption::Some(a) => MyOption::Some(f(a)),
            MyOption::None => MyOption::None,

fn test_option_map() {
    assert_eq!(MyOption::Some(5).map(|x| x + 1), MyOption::Some(6));
    assert_eq!(|x: i32| x + 1), MyOption::None);

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum MyResult<A, E> {

impl<A, E> MyResult<A, E> {
    fn map<F: FnOnce(A) -> B, B>(self, f: F) -> MyResult<B, E> {
        match self {
            MyResult::Ok(a) => MyResult::Ok(f(a)),
            MyResult::Err(e) => MyResult::Err(e),

fn test_result_map() {
    assert_eq!(MyResult::Ok(5).map(|x| x + 1), MyResult::Ok::<i32, ()>(6));
    assert_eq!(MyResult::Err("hello").map(|x: i32| x + 1), MyResult::Err("hello"));

However, it hasn't been possible without GATs to define map as a trait method. Let's see why. Here's a naive approach to a "monomorphic functor" trait, and an implementation for Option:

/// Monomorphic functor trait
trait MonoFunctor {
    type Unwrapped; // value "contained inside"
    fn map<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped) -> Self::Unwrapped;

impl<A> MonoFunctor for Option<A> {
    type Unwrapped = A;
    fn map<F: FnMut(A) -> A>(self, mut f: F) -> Option<A> {
        match self {
            Some(a) => Some(f(a)),
            None => None,

In our trait definition, we define an associated type Unwrapped, for the value that lives "inside" the MonoFunctor. In the case of Option<A>, that would be A. And herein lies the problem. We're hard-coding the Unwrapped to just one type, A. Usually with a map function, we want to change the type to B. But we have no way in current, stable Rust to say "I want a type that's associated with this MonoFunctor, but also a little bit different in what lives inside of it."

That's where Generic Associated Types come in.

Polymorphic Functor

In order to get a polymorphic functor, we need to be able to say "here's how my type would look if I wrapped up a different type inside of it." For example, with Option, we'd like to say "hey, I've got Option<A>, and it contains an A type, but if it contained a B type instead, it would be Option<B>." To do this, we're going to use the generic associated type Wrapped<B>:

trait Functor {
    type Unwrapped;
    type Wrapped<B>: Functor;

    fn map<F, B>(self, f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<B>
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped) -> B;

So what we're saying is:

That's a bit abstract. Let's see what this looks like for the Option type:

impl<A> Functor for Option<A> {
    type Unwrapped = A;
    type Wrapped<B> = Option<B>;

    fn map<F: FnMut(A) -> B, B>(self, mut f: F) -> Option<B> {
        match self {
            Some(x) => Some(f(x)),
            None => None,

fn test_option_map() {
    assert_eq!(Some(5).map(|x| x + 1), Some(6));
    assert_eq!(|x: i32| x + 1), None);

And if you play with all of the type gymnastics, you'll see that this ends up being identical to the map method we special-cased for MyOption above (sans a difference between FnOnce and FnMut). Cool!

Side note: HKTs

In Haskell, none of this generic associated type business is needed. In fact, Haskell Functors don't use any associated types. The typeclass for Functor in Haskell far predates the presence of associated types in the language. For comparison, let's see what that looks like, renaming a bit to match up with Rust:

class Functor f where
    map :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
instance Functor Option where
    map f option =
        case option of
            Some x -> Some (f x)
            None -> None

Or, to translate it into Rust-like syntax:

trait HktFunctor {
    fn map<A, B, F: FnMut(A) -> B>(self: Self<A>, f: F) -> Self<B>;

impl HktFunctor for Option {
    fn map<A, B, F: FnMut(A) -> B>(self: Option<A>, f: F) -> Option<B> {
        match self {
            Some(a) => Some(f(a)),
            None => None,

But this isn't valid Rust! That's because we're trying to provide type parameters to Self. But in Rust, Option isn't a type. Option must be applied to a single type parameter before it becomes a type. Option<i32> is a type. Option on its own is not.

By contrast, in Haskell, Maybe Int is a type of kind Type. Maybe is a type constructor, of kind Type -> Type. But you can treat Maybe has a type of its own for purposes of creating type classes and instance. Functor in Haskell works on the kind Type -> Type. This is what we mean by "higher kinded types": we can have types whose kind is higher than just Type.

GATs in Rust are a workaround for this lack of HKTs for the examples below. But as we'll ultimately see, they are more brittle and more verbose. That's not to say that GATs are a Bad Thing, far from it. It is to say that trying to write Haskell in Rust is probably not a good idea.

OK, now that we've thoroughly established that what we're about to do isn't a great idea... let's do it!


There's a controversial typeclass in Haskell called Pointed. It's controversial because it introduces a typeclass without any laws associated with it, which is often not very liked. But since I already told you this is all a bad idea, let's implement Pointed.

The idea of Pointed is simple: wrap up a value into a Functor-like thing. So in the case of Option, it would be like wrapping it with Some. In a Result, it's using Ok. And for a Vec, it would be a single-element vector. Unlike Functor, this will be a static method, since we don't have an existing Pointed value to change. Let's see it in action:

trait Pointed: Functor {
    fn wrap<T>(t: T) -> Self::Wrapped<T>;

impl<A> Pointed for Option<A> {
    fn wrap<T>(t: T) -> Option<T> {

What's particularly interesting about this is that we don't use the A type parameter in the Option implementation at all.

There's one more thing worth noting. The result of calling wrap is a Self::Wrapped<T> value. What exactly do we know about Self::Wrapped<T>? Well, from the Functor trait definition, we know exactly one thing: that Wrapped<T> must be a Functor. Interestingly, we have lost the knowledge here that Self::Wrapped<T> is also a Pointed. That's going to be a recurring theme for the next few traits.

But let me reiterate this a different way. When we're working with a general Functor trait implementation, we don't know anything at all about the Wrapped associated type except that it implements Functor itself. Logically, we know that for a Option<A> implementation, we'd like Wrapped to be a Option<B> kind of thing. But the GAT implementation does not enforce it. (By contrast, the HKT approach in Haskell does enforce this.) Nothing prevents us from writing a horrifically non-sensible implementation such as:

impl<A> Functor for MyOption<A> {
    type Unwrapped = A;
    type Wrapped<B> = Result<B, String>; // wut?

    fn map<F: FnMut(A) -> B, B>(self, mut f: F) -> Result<B, String> {
        match self {
            MyOption::Some(a) => Ok(f(a)),
            MyOption::None => Err("Well this is weird, isn't it?".to_owned()),

You may be thinking, "So what, no one would write something like that. And it's their own fault if they do." That's not the point here. The point is that the compiler can't know that there's a connection between Self and Wrapped<B>. And since it can't know that, there are some things we can't get to type check. I'll show you one of those at the end.


When I give Haskell training, and I get to the Functor/Applicative/Monad section, most people are nervous about Monads. In my experience, the really confusing part is really Applicative. Once you understand that, Monad is relatively speaking easy.

The Applicative typeclass in Haskell has two methods. pure is equivalent to the wrap that I put into Pointed, so we can ignore it. The other method is <*>, known as "apply," or "splat", or "the tie fighter." I originally implemented Applicative with a method called apply that matches that operator, but found that it was better to go a different route.

Instead, there's an alternate way to define an Applicative typeclass, based on a different function called liftA2 (or, in Rust, lift_a2). Here's the idea. Suppose I have two functions:

fn birth_year() -> Option<i32> { ... }
fn current_year() -> Option<i32> { ... }

I may not know the current year or the birth year, in which case I'll return None. But if I get a Some return for both of these function calls, then I can calculate the age. In normal Rust code, this may look like:

fn age() -> Option<i32> {
    let birth_year = birth_year()?;
    let current_year = current_year()?;
    Some(current_year - birth_year)

But that's leveraging ? and early return. A primary purpose of Applicative is to address the same problem. So let's rewrite this without any early return, and instead use some pattern matching:

fn age() -> Option<i32> {
    match (birth_year(), current_year()) {
        (Some(birth_year), Some(current_year)) => Some(current_year - birth_year),
        _ => None,

This certainly works, but it's verbose. It also doesn't generalize to other cases, like a Result. And what about a really sophisticated case, like "I have a Future that will return the birth year, a Future that will return the current year, and I want to produce a Future that finds the difference." With async/await syntax, it's easy enough to do. But we can also do it with Applicative, using our lift_a2 method.

The point of lift_a2 is: I've got two values wrapped up, perhaps both in an Option. I'd like to use a function to combine them together. Let's see what that looks like in Rust:

trait Applicative: Pointed {
    fn lift_a2<F, B, C>(self, b: Self::Wrapped<B>, f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<C>
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped, B) -> C;

impl<A> Applicative for Option<A> {
    fn lift_a2<F, B, C>(self, b: Self::Wrapped<B>, mut f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<C>
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped, B) -> C
        let a = self?;
        let b = b?;
        Some(f(a, b))

With this definition in place, we can now rewrite age as:

fn age() -> Option<i32> {
    current_year().lift_a2(birth_year(), |cy, by| cy - by)

Whether this is an improvement or not probably depends heavily on how much Haskell you've written in your life. Again, I'm not advocating changing Rust here, but it's certainly interesting.

We could also do the same kind of thing with Result:

fn birth_year() -> Result<i32, String> {
    Err("No birth year".to_string())

fn current_year() -> Result<i32, String> {
    Err("No current year".to_string())

fn age() -> Result<i32, String> {
    current_year().lift_a2(birth_year(), |cy, by| cy - by)

Which may beg the question: which of the two Err values do we take? Well, that depends on our implementation of Applicative, but typically we would prefer choosing the first:

impl<A, E> Applicative for Result<A, E> {
    fn lift_a2<F, B, C>(self, b: Self::Wrapped<B>, mut f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<C>
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped, B) -> C
        match (self, b) {
            (Ok(a), Ok(b)) => Ok(f(a, b)),
            (Err(e), _) => Err(e),
            (_, Err(e)) => Err(e),

But what if we wanted both? Here's a case where Applicative gives us power that ? doesn't.


The Validation type from Haskell represents the idea "I'm going to try lots of things, some of them may fail, and I want to collect together all of the error results." A typically example of this would be web form parsing. If a user enters an invalid email address, invalid phone number, and forgets to click the "I agree" box, you'd want to generate all three error messages. You don't want to generate just one.

To start off our Validation implementation, we need to introduce one more Haskell-y typeclass, this time for representing the concept of "combining together multiple values." We could just hard-code Vec in here, but where's the fun in that? Instead, let's introduce the strangely-named Semigroup trait. This doesn't even require any special GAT code:

trait Semigroup {
    fn append(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;

impl Semigroup for String {
    fn append(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        self += &rhs;

impl<T> Semigroup for Vec<T> {
    fn append(mut self, mut rhs: Self) -> Self {
        Vec::append(&mut self, &mut rhs);

impl Semigroup for () {
    fn append(self, (): ()) -> () {}

With that in place, we can now define a new enum called Validation:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
enum Validation<A, E> {

The Functor and Pointed implementations are boring, let's skip straight to the meat with the Applicative implementation:

impl<A, E: Semigroup> Applicative for Validation<A, E> {
    fn lift_a2<F, B, C>(self, b: Self::Wrapped<B>, mut f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<C>
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped, B) -> C
        match (self, b) {
            (Validation::Ok(a), Validation::Ok(b)) => Validation::Ok(f(a, b)),
            (Validation::Err(e), Validation::Ok(_)) => Validation::Err(e),
            (Validation::Ok(_), Validation::Err(e)) => Validation::Err(e),
            (Validation::Err(e1), Validation::Err(e2)) => Validation::Err(e1.append(e2)),

Here, we're saying that the error type parameter must implement Semigroup. If both values are Ok, we apply the f function to them and wrap up the result in Ok. If only one of the values is Err, we return that error. But if both of them are error, we leverage the append method of Semigroup to combine them together. This is something you can't get with ?-style error handling.


At last, the dreaded monad rears its head! But in reality, at least for Rustaceans, monad isn't much of a surprise. You're already used to it: it's the and_then method. Almost any chain of statements that end with ? in Rust can be reimagined as monadic binds. In my opinion, the main reason monad has the allure of the unknowable was a series of particularly bad tutorials that cemented this idea in people's minds.

Anyway, since we're just trying to match the existing method signature of and_then on Option, I'm not going to spend much time motivating "why monad." Instead, let's just look at the definition of the trait:

trait Monad : Applicative {
    fn bind<B, F>(self, f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<B>
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped) -> Self::Wrapped<B>;

impl<A> Monad for Option<A> {
    fn bind<B, F>(self, f: F) -> Option<B>
        F: FnMut(A) -> Option<B>,

And just like that, we've got monadic Rust. Time to ride off into the sunset.

But wait, there's more!

Monad transformers

I'm overall not a huge fan of monad transformers. I think they are drastically overused in Haskell, and lead to huge amounts of complication. I instead advocate the ReaderT design pattern. But again, this post is definitely not about best practices.

Typically, each monad instance provides some kind of additional functionality. Option means "it might not produce a value." Result means "it might fail with an error." If we provided it, Future means "it won't produce a value immediately, but it will eventually." And as a final example, the Reader monad means "I have read-only access to some environmental data."

But what if we want to have two pieces of functionality? There's no obvious way to combine a Reader and a Result. In Rust, we do combine together Result and Future via async functions and ?, but that had to have carefully designed language support. Instead, the Haskell approach to this problem would be: just provide do notation (syntactic sugar for monads), and then layer up your monad transformers to add together all of the functionality.

I've considered writing a blog post on this philosophical difference for a while. (If people are interested in such a post, please let me know.) But for now, let's simply explore what it looks like to provide a monad transformer in Rust. We'll implement it for the most boring of all monad transformers, IdentityT. This is the transformer that doesn't do anything at all. (And if you're wondering "why have it," consider why Rust has 1-tuples. Sometimes, you need something that fits a certain shape to make some generic code work nicely.)

Since IdentityT doesn't do anything, it's comforting to see that its type reflects that perfectly:

struct IdentityT<M>(M);

I'm calling the type parameter M, because it's going to itself be an implementation of Monad. That's the idea here: every monad transformer sits on top of a "base monad."

Next, let's look at a Functor implementation. The idea is to unwrap the IdentityT layer, leverage the underlying map method, and then rewrap IdentityT.

impl<M: Functor> Functor for IdentityT<M> {
    type Unwrapped = M::Unwrapped;
    type Wrapped<A> = IdentityT<M::Wrapped<A>>;

    fn map<F, B>(self, f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<B>
        F: FnMut(M::Unwrapped) -> B

For our associated types, we leverage the associated types of M. Inside map, we use self.0 to get the underlying M, and wrap the result of the map method call with IdentityT. Cool!

The Pointed, Applicative, and Monad implementations follow similar patterns, so I'll drop all of those in too:

impl<M: Pointed> Pointed for IdentityT<M> {
    fn wrap<T>(t: T) -> IdentityT<M::Wrapped<T>> {

impl<M: Applicative> Applicative for IdentityT<M> {
    fn lift_a2<F, B, C>(self, b: Self::Wrapped<B>, f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<C>
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped, B) -> C
        IdentityT(self.0.lift_a2(b.0, f))

impl<M: Monad> Monad for IdentityT<M> {
    fn bind<B, F>(self, mut f: F) -> Self::Wrapped<B>
        F: FnMut(Self::Unwrapped) -> Self::Wrapped<B>
        IdentityT(self.0.bind(|x| f(x).0))

And finally, we'll define one new trait: MonadTrans. MonadTrans captures the idea of "layering up" a base monad into the transformed monad. In Haskell, you'll often see code like lift (readFile "foo.txt"), where readFile works in the base monad, and we're sitting in a layer on top of that.

trait MonadTrans {
    type Base: Monad;

    fn lift(base: Self::Base) -> Self;

impl<M: Monad> MonadTrans for IdentityT<M> {
    type Base = M;

    fn lift(base: M) -> Self {

So is this useful? Not terribly on its own. We could arguably create an ecosystem of ReaderT, WriterT, ContT, ConduitT, and more, and start building up sophisticated systems. But I'm strongly of the opinion that we don't need that stuff in Rust, at least not yet. I'm happy to go this far in my implementation to explore the wonders of GATs, but let's not go crazy and try to make something useful just because we can.


Alright, now the fun begins. We've seen GATs in practice. And it seems like Rust is keeping pace with Haskell pretty well. That's about to end.

There's another method that goes along with Monads in Haskell, called join. It's equivalent in power to the bind method we've already seen, but works differently. join "flattens" two layers of monads in Haskell. And a side note: there's already a method called flatten in Rust that does just this for Option and Result.

The catch with join: the monads have to be the same. In other words, join (Just (Just 5)) == Just 5, but join (Just (Right 6)) is a type error, since Just is a Maybe data constructor, and Right is an Either data constructor.

Now we're in a bit of a quandary. In Haskell, where we have higher kinded types, it's easy to say "Maybe must be the same as Maybe":

join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
join m = bind m (\x -> x)

But I couldn't figure out a way to express the same idea with GATs in Rust and get the syntax accepted by the compiler. This is the closest I came:

fn join<MOuter, MInner, A>(outer: MOuter) -> MOuter::Wrapped<A>
    MOuter: Monad<Unwrapped = MInner>,
    MInner: Monad<Unwrapped = A, Wrapped = MOuter::Wrapped<A>>,
    outer.bind(|inner| inner)

fn test_join() {
    assert_eq!(join(Some(Some(true))), Some(true));

Unfortunately, this broke the compiler:

error: internal compiler error: compiler\rustc_middle\src\ty\ type parameter `B/#1` (B/1) out of range when substituting, substs=[MInner]

thread 'rustc' panicked at 'Box<Any>', /rustc/b7ebc6b0c1ba3c27ebb17c0b496ece778ef11e18\compiler\rustc_errors\src\
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.

note: we would appreciate a bug report:

note: rustc 1.50.0-nightly (b7ebc6b0c 2020-11-30) running on x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

note: compiler flags: -C embed-bitcode=no -C debuginfo=2 -C incremental --crate-type bin

note: some of the compiler flags provided by cargo are hidden

I think it's fair to say I was pushing the compiler to the limit here. In any event, I opened up a GitHub issue for this.


Already, we were stymied by join. How about another popular functional idiom: traverse. As I previously mentioned, traverse is incredibly popular in Scala, and pretty common in Haskell. It functions very much like a map, except the result of each step through the map is wrapped in some Applicative, and the Applicative values are combined into an overall data structure.

Sound confusing? Fair enough. As a simpler example: if you have a Vec<A> value, and a function from A to Option<B>, traverse can put these together into an Option<Vec<B>>. Or using the Validation type we had above, you could combine Vec<A> and Fn(A) -> Validation<B, Vec<MyErr>> into a Validation<Vec<B>, Vec<MyErr>>, returning either all of the successfully generated B values, or all of the errors that occurred along the way.

Anyway, I ended up with this as a starting type signature for our function:

fn traverse<F, M, A, B, I>(iter: I, f: F) -> M::Wrapped<Vec<B>>

Then we have the following trait bounds:

This last bullet shows one of the pain points I mentioned above. Since we don't really know from the Wrapped associated type itself much at all, we only get the Functor bound "for free". We need to explicitly say that it's also Applicative, and that unwrapping it again will get you back a Vec<B>.

In any event, I wasn't clever enough to figure out a way to make all of this compile. This was the final version of the code I came up with:

fn traverse<F, M, A, B, I>(iter: I, f: F) -> M::Wrapped<Vec<B>>
    F: FnMut(A) -> M,
    M: Applicative<Unwrapped = B>,
    I: IntoIterator<Item = A>,
    M::Wrapped<Vec<B>>: Applicative<Unwrapped = Vec<B>>,
    let mut iter = iter.into_iter().map(f);

    let mut result: M::Wrapped<Vec<B>> = match {
        Some(b) =>|x| vec![x]),
        None => return M::wrap(Vec::new()),

    for m in iter {
        result = result.lift_a2(m, |vec, b| {


But this fails with the error messages:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
   --> src\
433 | fn traverse<F, M, A, B, I>(iter: I, f: F) -> M::Wrapped<Vec<B>>
    |                - this type parameter
448 |         result = result.lift_a2(m, |vec, b| {
    |                                 ^ expected associated type, found type parameter `M`
    = note: expected associated type `<<M as Functor>::Wrapped<Vec<B>> as Functor>::Wrapped<_>`
                found type parameter `M`
    = note: you might be missing a type parameter or trait bound

error[E0308]: mismatched types
   --> src\
433 |   fn traverse<F, M, A, B, I>(iter: I, f: F) -> M::Wrapped<Vec<B>>
    |                  - this type parameter
448 |           result = result.lift_a2(m, |vec, b| {
    |  __________________^
449 | |             vec.push(b);
450 | |             vec
451 | |         });
    | |__________^ expected type parameter `M`, found associated type
    = note: expected associated type `<M as Functor>::Wrapped<Vec<B>>`
               found associated type `<<M as Functor>::Wrapped<Vec<B>> as Functor>::Wrapped<Vec<B>>`
help: consider further restricting this bound
436 |     M: Applicative<Unwrapped = B> + Functor<Wrapped = M>,
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Maybe this is a limitation in GATs. Maybe I'm just not clever enough to figure it out. But I thought this was a good point to call it quits. If anyone knows a trick to make this work, let me know!

Should we have HKTs in Rust?

This was a fun adventure. GATs look like a nice extension to the trait system in Rust. I look forward to the feature stabilizing and landing. And it's certainly fun to play with all of this.

But Rust is not Haskell. The ergonomics of GATs, in my opinion, will never compete with higher kinded types on Haskell's home turf. And I'm not at all convinced that it should. Rust is a wonderful language as is. I'm happy to write Rust style in a Rust codebase, and save my Haskell coding for my Haskell codebases.

I hope others enjoyed this adventure as much as I have. A really ugly version of my code is available as a Gist. You'll need to use a recent nightly Rust build, but otherwise it has no dependencies.

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