Just by reading the blogpost title you are likely to guess the problem at hand, but to be fair I will recap it anyways.

What's the problem?

It is increasingly common for software projects to have Continuous Integration (CI) setup, regardless of their size or complexity. In the matter of fact, it is so common that it is considered bad practice not to have your project be at least compiled upon every push to the repository. It's even better when a project is also tested with a possibility of doing an automated release as an extra step, which means uploading a new version to the package index, pushing newly created image to Docker registry, what have you. With all of the benefits that CI brings to the table it often has a drawback of taking too long time, especially when the project is really big or it simply has lots of dependencies that also have to be compiled from scratch.

This drawback of long builds can have significant impact on the overall speed of the development process. Let's consider a large project that takes an hour to compile and run the test suite on decent hardware. It is not uncommon to have dozens of developers working daily on such a project, each of whom might introduce a change or two or maybe even more during a single day to the project, consequently triggering a CI build each time. Moreover, it is usually the case that there is a matrix of jobs for each build that will do compilation and testing on different Operating Systems, with different compiler versions and build tools. For example a common Haskell project will have a Travis CI build setup that will compile and test the project on Linux as well as Mac OS, while using 4~6 different GHC versions and multiple build tools, such as stack, cabal or nix. A CI build with such a matrix easily results in dozens of jobs on its own. Naturally, all of those jobs can be executed in parallel on as many Virtual Machines (VMs) as you have at your disposal, so you don't have to wait hundreds of hours for a CI build to finish, but even with an unlimited number of those VMs a developer will still end up waiting at least an hour for a successful feedback.

Available Solution

If you think recompiling a project from scratch every time when there is a slight change is really absurd, you are absolutely right. What is the point of wasting all of that electricity and developer's time just so we can create practically the same set of files, especially since all of the decent build tools are fully capable of handling changes. I am almost positive that all of the CI providers have this ability of caching files from one build, so they are available for the subsequent one. This simple idea solves the problem above in the majority of the situations. An example solution for a Haskell project would be adding these few lines to the .travis.yml file in the project repository:

  - $HOME/.ghc
  - $HOME/.cabal
  - $HOME/.stack
  - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.stack-work

Alternative Solution

In a perfect world this solution would be universal and complete and this blog post would end now, but, unfortunately, that is not the case. CI providers are not created equal, and their caching capabilities and limitations vary drastically, which can pose real problems for some projects. Just to list a few:

Regardless of the issue you might hit with CI provider's caching you can always fallback onto your own resources, one of them being an S3 bucket. There are two aspects of caching files to S3, one is storing cache during one build, and the inverse, restoring them during another one. Here is what we need to do to accomplish the former:

Continous Integration Small.jpg

During the restore step we do as follows:

I would not be surprised to see some of those steps implemented with bash and PowerShell scripts out there in the wild that use common tools like tar and aws-cli to get the job done for a particular project. I believe those tasks are useful enough to deserve there own tool that works consistently for any project and on more than one platform. The steps listed above represent a quick summary of how cache-s3 uses AWS to cache CI builds and below is a sample command that can be used to store files at the end of a build:

$ cache-s3 save -p $PROJECT_PATH/.build

And to restore files to their original place at the beginning of a CI build:

$ cache-s3 restore --base-branch=master

AWS credentials and S3 bucket name are being read from the environment, as it is commonly done during CI. I encourage you to read the cache-s3/README for more details on how to get everything setup and other available options before using the tool.

Caching stack

Despite cache-s3 being a general caching tool it is tailored specifically for working with stack . Whenever you build a project with stack , it will generate a lot of files, which can be divided into two groups:

In order for stack to be able to detect changes in a project, thus preventing it from recompiling the whole thing from scratch, all of the .stack-work directories , along with the global stack directory must be properly cached. This is exactly what cache-s3 will do for you.

$ cache-s3 save stack

Running the above command inside the stack project, where stack.yaml is located, will cache the global stack directory. As mentioned before, this should be enabled conditionally at the end of the build for master branch only, for example in travis.yml : if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = master ]; then ... .

$ cache-s3 save stack work

As you might suspect, above will perform the caching of all of the .stack-work directories that it can infer from stack.yaml .

Going in reverse is just as easy:

$ cache-s3 restore stack --base-branch=master
$ cache-s3 restore stack work --base-branch=master


If you are thinking about using S3 in automated fashion you are likely already aware of how daunting can the task be of setting up the S3 bucket with all of its IAM policies and associated IAM user. For this reason we've created a ci-cache-s3 terraform module that can take care of the whole setup for you, unfortunately it does require familiarity with terraform itself. There is a quick example on how to use it in the cache-s3 documentation.

Getting cache-s3 into your CI environment is very easy, there are executable versions of the tool for some of the most common Operating Systems available on github release page and examples on how to automate its downloading is described in Downloading the executable section. If you are looking for some examples on how to implement your CI build script, .travis.yml and appveyor.yml configuration files written for the tool itself could serve as a great starting point.

If you find any of those steps even a little overwhelming, feel free to get in touch with our representative and we will be happy to either set up the CI environment for you or schedule some training sessions with your engineers on how to use terraform and other tools necessary to get the job done.

Extra ideas

Undoubtedly, cache-s3 will find other places it can be useful, since its basic goal is to save/restore files to/from S3. One use case other than CI I can see right off the bet is when a project is compiled from source during deployment on EC2 instance, which can be sped up in the same manner described so far, except instead of using an IAM User, we would use EC2 instance profile and role assumption to handle access to S3 bucket. I even published a gist with terraform that you can use to deploy an S3 bucket and an EC2 instance with proper IAM policy in place for cache-s3 to work.

cache-s3 is pretty customizable, so try running it with --help to explore all of the options available for each command. For example --prefix and --suffix options can come very handy for namespacing the builds for different projects on different Operating Systems respectfully, --git-branch for overriding inferred branch name, while --verbosity and --concise can be used to adjust the output, etc.

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