FP Complete

We have set up a new public Jenkins CI server for use with our open source projects. This server currently runs the Stack integration tests, and deploys to ci.haskell-lang.org and ci.stackage.org every time a commit is pushed to the master branch of their respective repositories.

In the future, we also intend to set up Jenkins to run the Stack integration tests on all supported platforms (rather than only Linux) using additional Jenkins workers, and get it to run them for pull requests as well.

While we use Travis CI, there are a couple of ways it does not meet our needs that Jenkins helps us with:

For these projects, we continue to use Travis for quick feedback on PRs, but let Jenkins take care of the integration tests and deployments where we need more control over resource limitations and isolation of different build phases.

We run all the builds and tests on ephemeral, isolated Jenkins workers using the Docker plugin. These workers do not have access to any credentials, so there is no risk of credentials “leaking” into build logs or otherwise being accessed inappropriately.

For projects that need auto-deployment, the isolated build job stages the assets to be deployed, and then a separate deploy job is triggered if the build is successful. The deploy job runs on the Jenkins master which has access to required credentials, but it does not check out the project’s source code from Github or run anything developer-provided. It only copies the built artifacts from the upstream job, builds and pushes a Docker image, and then updates a Kubernetes Deployment with the new image. Our public Jenkins server does not ever see any credentials for proprietary repos or mission-critical infrastructure, so even if security is breached it will have no effect beyond the CI system itself.

For production deployments of open source applications, we have a separate private Jenkins server that builds from the prod branch of the Git repositories, and deploys to a separate cluster. We ensure that the prod branch is protected so that only project administrators can trigger a production deployment.

We avoid using too many Jenkins-specific features. Essentially, we use Jenkins to perform triggering, notification and provide the build environment, but don’t use Jenkins plugins to build Docker images or perform deployments. The Jenkins Docker plugin could commit an image after building and testing the code, but then we would have large images containing the whole build environment rather than minimal images containing only the application to deploy. We prefer instead to leave it to our own custom tooling that we can tailor to our needs and which can be run in many different environments so that we are not locked into Jenkins. A developer with access to the right credentials could, if necessary, perform the process easily from their own workstation by running the same build and deploy scripts as the Jenkins jobs run.

The Jenkins servers themselves run on EC2, with all cloud infrastructure managed using Hashicorp’s Terraform, and the instances managed using Red Hat’s Ansible. The Kubernetes cluster is set up using CoreOS’s kube-aws tool.

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