FP Complete

I recently wrote up the Stackage data flow. The primary intent was to assist the rest of the Stackage curation team see how all the pieces fit together. However, it may also be of general interest to the rest of the community. In particular, some of the components used are not widely known and may be beneficial for completely separate projects (such as all-cabal-metadata).

Please check out the above linked copy of the file for the most up-to-date content. For convenience, I’m copying in the current content as of publication time below.

The Stackage project is really built on top of a number of different subcomponents. This page covers how they fit together. The Stackage data flow diagram gives a good bird’s-eye view:

Stackage data flow diagram


There are three inputs into the data flow:


For various reasons, we leverage Travis CI for running some processes. In particular:

Travis does not currently provide a means of running jobs on a regular basis. Therefore, we have a simple cron job on the Stackage build server that triggers each of the above builds every 30 minutes.


The heart of running Stackage builds is the stackage-curator tool. We run this on a daily basis on the Stackage build server for Stackage Nightly, and on a weekly basis for LTS Haskell. The build process is highly automated and leverages Docker quite a bit.

stackage-curator needs to know about the most recent versions of all packages, their tarball contents, and some metadata, all of which it gets from the Travis-generated sources mentioned in the previous section. In addition, it needs to know about build constraints, which can come from one of two places:

By combining these constraints with the current package data, stackage-curator can generate a build plan and check it. (As an aside, this build plan generation and checking also occurs every time you make a pull request to the stackage repo.) If there are version bounds problems, one of the Stackage curators will open up a Github issue and will add upper bounds, temporarily block a package, or some other corrective action.

Once a valid build plan is found, stackage-curator will build all packages, build docs, and run test suites. Assuming that all succeeds, it generates some artifacts:


On the Stackage build server, we run the stackage-server-cron executable regularly, which generates:


The software running stackage.org is a relatively simple Yesod web application. It pulls data from the stackage-content repo, the SQLite database, the Hoogle databases, and the build plans for Stackage Nightly and LTS Haskell. It doesn’t generate anything important of its own except for a user interface.


Stack takes advantage of many of the pieces listed above as well:

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